Sample documents

How to correctly write a statement or power of attorney

Samples of correct drafting of documents

Power of attorney for the sale of an apartment

Power of attorney to represent interests in court

Power of attorney to dispose of a bank deposit

Application for granting permission for the child to travel abroad

Application for travel financing

Application for the production of a passport for a child

Declaration of non-marriage

Translator's stamp

Ordering services:

Phone: (050) 441-13-19
or send your contacts - we will contact you

Notary Pysanets Olha AleksandrovnaOlga Oleksandrivna Pysanets

Private notary

Notary certificate No. 8834

Your phone

Contacts of the notary
Kyiv, str. Zhilyanska, 5/60, 2nd floor, apartment 1, entrance from the street Velyka Vasylkivska, opposite the Operetta Theater
Monday-Friday: 09:00-18:30
Saturday: 15:00-17:00
Office location

Contacts of the notary
Kyiv, str. Zhilyanska 5/60, sq. 1
Mon-Fri: 09:00-18:30 Sat: 15:00-17:00

Notary Kyiv 2025. All Rights Reserved.

Notary Kyiv 2025. All Rights Reserved.